After appearing on numerous television shows in the 1990s and 2000s, such as Reno 911, Zach Galifianakis toured small clubs throughout the country with additional stand-up comics, and a popular documentary was made of the tour: The Comedians of Comedy. It was 2009's hit comedy The Hangover, however, that applied Galifianakis on the comedic A-list. The film's part two additionally proved to be a hit for the star. Zach Galifianakis was born on October 1, 1969, in Wilkesboro, North Carolina to moms and dads Harry and Mary Galifianakis. As a child, Zach was raised in a Greek Orthodox home. In the late 1980s, Galifianakis went to North Carolina State University. He dropped out of university just one credit but graduating, nevertheless, and moved to New York City. While in New York in 1995, Galifianakis satisfied funnyman Lisa deLarios, who pushed him to try his hand at stand-up comedy.