Indian contribution to World Drama is immense. The dramatic powers of our Indian dramatists are matchless and their experiments with stage in traditional and modern age are wonderful. At the beginning stage our dramatists had British influence. Some of our plays are covered out of mythological stories. But later dramatists like Asif Curimbhoy, Badal Sircar, Vijay Tendulkar, Mahesh Dattani, Manjula Padmanabhan, Mohan Rakesh took Indian Drama to sublime heights. Drama should be examined, analysed and our synthesis of analysis should be brought out in the form of a book which will be helpful to scholars, critics and also dramatists in future. It is high time to read, think and retrospect the creative works of the Indian Dramatists in English. We wish that the scholarly articles included in the book will open new vistas to the voyage of Indian Drama in English. We thank all the contributors for their critical and thought provoking insights into the Indian Drama in English. We pay our tributes to Badal Sircar and Vijay Tendulkar for their magical contribution to the field of drama which has left an indelible impression in the hearts of readers, critics and audience all over the world. We dedicate this book to them.
Mr P. Gopichand & Ms P. Nagasuseela are Associate Professors in the Dept of English J.K.C. College, Guntur for two decades, Guided 25 M.Phils, together presented more than 60 research papers in International Conferences & Seminars and Symposia; delivered 20 guest lectures on Communication Skills, Personality Development, Phonetics, acted as Resource Persons, Organized Work Shops, Seminars, etc., for teachers, lecturers and students in different colleges in our state. They are bilingual poets. They write poems, sonnets, haiku, Zen, etc. They translated many poems from Telugu to English. They wrote lessons to University material to Degree, PG., and M. Phil. courses. They Published fifteen books: Heart-Throbs (Anthology), A Posy of Poesy: A Collection of Poems, A Hand Book for all Occasions, No Longer at Ease, Sprouts, Mushrooms (A Collection of short verse), Indian Drama in English: A Kaleidoscopic View, 'A Spectrum of Indian Fiction in English' `A Hand Book on Communication Skills, 'Essential Letters', 'Poets' Paradise, 'Fancy Realms', The Poetic Bliss, Rabindranath Tagore: A Retrospection, Perspectives On Indian Drama In English : A Splendorous Reality, organized Two self sponsored National Poetry Fests, Three International Poetry Fests, and a UGC National Seminar on Indian Drama in English. So far they conducted 40 workshops on different topics to students, teachers, house wives and employees. They designed calenders, cover titles for books and magazines. Posters and post cards on Seven Deadly Sins, Women, Population, Pollution, Samson, Ragging, Festivals, Friendship, Classroom Conversations, IPA, etc. They also designed 15 different teaching aids like audio & print clippings, CDs, Charts, Role-Play cards, IPA Visiting cards, etc., under the title `Propelling Excellence'. Their other books 'Voyage' (Anthology of Short Stories)`A Hand Book on Phonetics, `Conversation Skills, A Handbook on Grammar Sparks, Sample Letters For Students, Two books on Fiction and Poetry are in the press. Their profiles have been enlisted in the IVth volume of Young Asian Admirable Achievers Reference Book They were awarded Vocational Excellence Award-2010 (Rotaract), Bharat Excellence Award-2010, Best Personalities of India Award-2010, and four Eight Medals for their outstanding services to society, achievements & contribution in their fields. Michael Madhusuadan Academy, Kolkata honoured them with the 'International Sattyendranath Smriti Award and Michael Madhusudandatt Awarc4 for their outstanding intellectual literary contribution throughout India. In 2012 they were honoured with Bharat Shiskha Award and Swami Vivekananda Award by His excellency Dr M.I. Paul, Governer, Tripura for their contribution to Literature & Society.