What is it about peanut butter that makes it so popular? Most homes in North America always have a jar in the cupboard. I think peanut butter is so popular because it is tasty, nutritious, easy-to-use, and affordable. But one characteristic about peanut butter stands out--it's sticky. Just for fun, watch a You Tube video of a dog eating peanut butter. It's hilarious! In fact, watch it with your kids. What would happen in our families if we had peanut butter faith--tasty, nutritious, simple, and sticky? Did you know that at least fifty percent of the children who are active in their faith and church involvement stop being involved as older teens or in their college years? What made the difference for the minority of kids who retained their faith? What made their faith sticky? One of the factors for the young people who retained their faith was that they talked about faith at home. I think the problem is that parents have outsourced spiritual formation to the church or the Christian school. The solution is for Christian parents to bcome the primary trainers of spiritual formation for their chidren and teens, and have the church serve a secondary and supportive role. Of course, the issue is that most parents don't know how to do this. But that is the purpose of 52 Creative Family Time Experiences--to train parents to have formal and informal conversations and experiences with their children about faith. Talking about faith at home is very biblical: "Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are sitting at home or walking in the street, talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates." (Deut. 6:5-9)
This book is strategic for helping parents pass the faith on to their kids. Tim's secret? He incorporates activity and the language of children, in ways that allows the Scriptures to explode in children't hearts with parents lighting the fuse. I love it.
Are you passionate about doing all in your power to impress the hearts of your children with a love for God? This book is packed with biblical principles and creative ideas which God can use to transform your family for generations to come.