Libros > Tunisian and Libyan Arabic Dialects: Common Trends - Recent Developments - Diachronic Aspects (Ebook)
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Tunisian and Libyan Arabic Dialects: Common Trends - Recent Developments - Diachronic Aspects (ebook)

ISBN: EB9788416935482
Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza nos ofrece Tunisian and Libyan Arabic Dialects: Common Trends - Recent Developments - Diachronic Aspects (ebook) en inglés, disponible en nuestra tienda desde el 26 de Octubre del 2017.
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Argumento de Tunisian and Libyan Arabic Dialects: Common Trends - Recent Developments - Diachronic Aspects (ebook)

This tripartite volume with 18 contributions in English and French is dedicated to Tunisian and Libyan Arabic dialects which form part of the so-called Maghrebi or Western group of dialects. There are ten contributions that investigate aspects of Tunisian dialects, five contributions on Libyan dialects, and three comparative articles that go beyond the geographical and linguistic borders of Tunisia and Libya. The focus of "Tunisian and Libyan Arabic Dialects" is on linguistic aspects but a wider range of topics is also addressed, in particular questions regarding digital corpora and digital humanities. These foci and other subjects investi­gated, such as the syntactic studies and the presentation of recently gathered linguistic data, bear reference to the subtitle "Common Trends ? Recent Developments ? Diachronic Aspects".0Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7 Veronika RITT-BENMIMOUN Comparative Studies Catherine TAINE-CHEIKH La classification des parlers bédouins du Maghreb: Revisiter le classement traditionnel ............................................................... 15 Veronika RITT-BENMIMOUN, Smaranda GRIGORE, Jocelyne OWENS & Jonathan OWENS Three Idioms, Three Dialects, One History: ................................................. 43 Egyptian, Nigerian and Tunisian Arabic Sumikazu YODA The Historical h in Some Eastern Maghribi Dialects Revisited ................... 85 Tunisian Dialects Peter BEHNSTEDT A propos du lexique tunisien, ou: Qu?est-ce qui est typiquement tunisien? ..................................................... 103 Ines DALLAJI A First Approach to Male Youth Language in Tunisia: Lexical Particularities of Revolutionary Rap Music .................................... 115 Bruno HERIN & Martin R. ZAMMIT Three for the Price of One: The Dialects of Kerkennah (Tunisia) .......................................................... 135 Emna LABIDI L?artisanat traditionnel à Tunis: Sa terminologie et son lexique .................................................................... 147 Karen MCNEIL F (?in?) as a Marker of the Progressive Aspect in Tunisian Arabic .......... 161 Salah MEJRI La nouvelle Constitution tunisienne en dialectal ........................................ 191 Giuliano MION À propos du futur à Tunis ........................................................................... 205 Karlheinz MOERTH, Daniel SCHOPPER & Omar SIAM Linking Instead of Lemmatising: Enriching the TUNICO Corpus with the Dictionary of Tunis Arabic ........................................................... 219 Stephan PROCHÁZKA & Ines GABSI Agreement with Plural Heads in Tunisian Arabic: The Urban North ......................................................................................... 239 Veronika RITT-BENMIMOUN Agreement with Plural Heads in Tunisian Arabic: The Bedouin South ...................................................................................... 261 Libyan Dialects Adam BENKATO Vowels in Benghazi Arabic: Maghrebi or Bedouin? .................................. 291 Najah BENMOFTAH & Christophe PEREIRA Preliminary Remarks on the Arabic Spoken in Al-Khums (Libya) ........... 301 Dominique CAUBET A Tentative Description of Aspect and Modality in the Fezzan: W. and Ph. Marçais? Texts Revisited ......................................................... 327 Luca D?ANNA On the Development of Conditional Particles in the Arabic Dialects of the Fezzn ........................................................... 351 Maciej KLIMIUK The Particle r- in Libyan Arabic Dialects (With Emphasis on the Arabic Dialect of Msallta) ................................... 371 Table of Contents

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