This book is an excellent resource for teachers of all ages, Ministers of Christian Education, Youth Pastors, Children's Pastors, and Senior Pastors. Jonathan walks the reader through the seven laws of the teacher as well as the six levels of learning. Each chapter provides a great deal of practical material that enriches the learning experience. The simple to read book gives teachers a deeper understanding of the biblical principles of how Christian education and teaching can impact the local church. Teachers will be given teaching methods that enrich learning for all students. This is a must have teacher's handbook with ideas easy to understand and implement in any classroom. Regardless of how long you have taught, Jonathan's writings will give you confidence to influence the needed changes in lives of your students while becoming more effective in the classroom.
When we think of what we want to accomplish in our teaching, we need to ask ourselves "What do I want the Lord to do in the lives of my students as a result of this lesson?" Do we really have a clear view of what we want to see accomplished in our 45 minutes of teaching? Unfortunately, if you asked the average Sunday School teacher 30 seconds before walking into the classroom, "What is your goal for the class today?" he would probably respond, "To get through the lesson." If that is the only goal that you have in teaching the Bible, you may be able to accomplish it. But the real question is, "Am I going for the right goal, the really important goal? Are there other goals that I need to keep in mind as I prepare my lesson each week?"