Professor M.S.Rao rose from humble origins. He is recognized as one of the world's leading leadership educators, authors, speakers, coaches and consultants. He has three decades of experience in leadership development and conducts training programs for various corporate and educational institutions. He is a Success Coach and Motivational Speaker and delivers Guest Lectures upon request. He is a specialist in Soft Leadership. 1-us areas of interest include Leadership, Learning and Development and Soft Skills. Professor M.S.Rao is the Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India. He is the author of 11 books including Soft Leadership - Make Others Feel More Important. Spot Your Leadership Style Build Your Leadership Brand, Spirit of Indian Youth Soft Skills for Young Managers, Secrets for Success Failure is only a Comma, Not a Full Stop, and Soft Skills - Enhancing Employability. He has published more than 200 papers and articles in international publications such as Leadership Excellence, I.eader to Leader, T+D Magazine (ASTD), Personal Excellence, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, Emerald, Sage, Academic Leadership (US), The Journal of Values Based Leadership (US) to name a few. He is the Advisor for Board of Global Leadership Awards Committee Malaysia and honored as the panel of judge for Global Leadership Awards 2011 He is the Editorial Advisory Board Member for various prestigious international journals including Emerald Journal, U.K and International Journal of Business Administration, Canada. He is the reviewer for various prestigious international journals including Emerald and Tata McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. He is ranked as No.1 among the speakers in India as per reviews on vide link: He can be reached at: and additionally maintains popular Blogs titled 'Where Knowledge is Wealth' - URL and 'Knowledge Grows When Shared'- URL