One of the Italian cities where Spain enjoyed a particularly significant presence during the Modern Age was undoubtedly Bologna, owing above all to the strong appeal of its prestigious, long-established university. At the same time, various Bolognese were destined to play a prominent role on the Spanish cultural scene of the 17th century. Despite these circumstances, current historiography has barely touched on the ties between Spain and Bologna in that period. Seicento boloñés y Siglo de Oro español (Bolognese Seicento and Spanish Golden Age), derived from the authors doctoral thesis, examines artistic and cultural relations between Spain and the Italian city during that prolific century, providing the first overall view of artists and patrons, politicians and religious orders, travellers and literati.David García Cueto (Malaga, 1977) holds a European doctorate in Art History. He is currently a research associate with the department of Modern Art History at the University of Rome \"La Sapienza\".