Roderick Roach is an average student at a very unique school: the Wentworth Academy for Children with Special Abilities. Founded as an exclusive school for children with super powers, the Wentworth Academy is located deep in a remote mountain range to hide it from the public. Roderick has the gift of invisibility. His best friend is the world-famous and very popular Ezra Stone, who can manipulate fire. One day Ezra saves the school from a terrible creature and becomes a hero. After this Roderick is cast out of his friend's spotlight and known only around the school as simply, "Ezra's friend."
Suddenly, Roderick gets the chance of a lifetime: while the school is under attack from a deadly dragon, he has the chance to kill it with a legendary sword that he finds by chance. Ezra is unable to respond, the professors are terrified, and only Roderick's true friends can help him. Does he have what it takes to defeat a monster as large as a mountain and save the school?