This classic novel has been abridged and adapted into 10 illustrated chapters. This format is ideal for bilingual education - people learning English as a second language (ESL), English Language Learners (ELL), people of any age intending to improve reading skills and students for whom the original version would be too long or difficult. This learning product is high-interest, low-readability. Readers of this version will improve comprehension, fluency and vocabulary.
Along time ago, in the city of London, a poor family had a new baby boy. On the very same day, the King and his wife had a baby, too. All the people were happy about the king's baby boy. They sang and danced in the streets. Edward, the new little prince, had fine clothes. He could have anything he wanted. The other baby was named Tom Canty. No one sang or danced for him. Arag was all that kept him warm. His family did not know how they would find food for him. Tom Canty lived in a poor, dirty part of London. He did not even have a bed and had to sleep on the floor. So did his sister Bet and his other sister, Nan. Tom's mother and sisters were good and kind, but his father was not. Every day, Tom's father sent him out to ask people for money. If Tom came home with nothing, his father would be angry. Young Tom did not go to school. A kind man named Father Andrew showed him How to read and write. Father Andrew told wonderful stories, too, all about kings and princes.