This classic novel has been abridged and adapted into 10 illustrated chapters. This format is ideal for bilingual education - people learning English as a second language (ESL), English Language Learners (ELL), people of any age intending to improve reading skills and students for whom the original version would be too long or difficult. This learning product is high-interest, low-readability. Readers of this version will improve comprehension, fluency and vocabulary.
I am Jim Hawkins. Let me tell you the story of Treasure Island from beginning to end. The only thing I won't tell you is how to find this place. You see, treasure is still hidden there. Long ago, a tall man of he sea came to stay at our Admiral Benbow Inn. Captain Bill, as we came to call him, had a deep cut across his face. He kept a large sea chest in his room. By day, he would look out over the sea and watch for a man with one leg. At night, he would drink rum. When he was drinking rum, he would tell us stories about the sea. He liked to frighten us all with terrible stories about hangings. He would sing at the top of his Voice: FIFTEEN MEN ON A DEAD MAN'S CHEST YO HOHOAND A BOTTLE OF RUM. It was during that long, cold winter that my dad became sick. My mom took care of him. I took care of the Inn.