(Abstract: MANUAL OF TUTORS - Starting from the presentation of the functions that a tutor carries out in an educational centre, this book offers basic orientations and suggests guide lines to perfect this task, individually as well as in collaboration with other tutors.
It includes questionnaires that help to identify the qualification needs, both on the personal as well as on the collective levels; questions are formulated on attitudes, aptitudes and even on material conditions in which the tutorship is carried out.
It also proposes points for reflection and hints that can be used to frame the tutor's action both with the pupil as with the parents).
Extracto del Índice:
1/ Autodiagnóstico inicial para el tutor.
2/ La tarea de los colegios en el horizonte educativo.
3/ Perfil del tutor y cualidades.
4/ Misión del tutor.
5/ Tareas del tutor.
6/ Plan de formación para los alumnos.
7/ PLan de formación familiar, integrado en el centro.
José Manuel MAÑÚ NOAIN, maestro y licenciado en Filosofía y Letras, ha sido profesor y tutor en centros públicos y privados, formando parte durante veinte años del equipo directivo de un colegio.