Maximize profits by getting the most out of every tax deduction. No matter what kind of small business you have, what size it is, or how quickly it's growing, you need to reap all the benefits of legitimate personal and business deductions come tax time. Evelyn Jacks, Canada's best-selling and most trusted tax author, cuts through the jargon with the third edition. "Make Sure It's Deductible" presents important tax facts in a clear, friendly style that's easy to read, understand, and apply to your business. After assisting more than 14,000 entrepreneurs, this fully revised and updated edition of the tax-saving classic includes new ways to: maximize new tax brackets, rates, and tax-free zones for each family member; understand the new rules for deducting fines, tools, and other assets; take advantage of new perks for small business owners; minimize taxes and maximize social benefits; and utilize the new lower corporate tax rates and higher small business deductions.