"European Union: Institutions, Law, Trade, Future" aims at familiarising management students, managers and executives with the institutional structure of the European Union, its legal system, and the decision-making process after the adoption by the Member States of the Treaty of Lisbon.Its 2nd edition expands on EU Competition Policy and also covers international and transatlantic trade, enlargement and scenarios for the future of the Union. The book is likely to also prove useful to students of political sciences and economics, and to law students who have not had specialised instruction on the subject.
Managers and executives, from EU Member States and from third countries, will find answers to practical questions concerning the role of the Union's principal institutions, and their impact on business issues.
The recent Greek, migration and Brexit crises have revived the interest among citizens as to the purpose and governance of EU institutions, which have acquired unprecedented power that impacts our daily activities and finances.
In addition to covering the main subjects of constitutional, law-giving, competition policy of the EU, its international trade, and the Commission's ambitious enlargement programme, the author discusses the need for the Union to further reform its operating frame in order to set the foundation for 'Europe of the 21st century', and outlines possible scenarios for doing so.
Students and managers from countries which are candidates for, or aspire to membership, are likely to find this text helpful in understanding Europe in clear terms.