The essential training manual for anyone who expects to profi tably engagethe energy market while avoiding the devils lurking in the details.
Kurt Yeager, former President and CEO of the Electric Power Research Instituteand coauthor of Perfect Power
Shrinking fossil fuel supplies, volatileprices, deregulation, and environmentalconservation have transformed the energymarket into a major arena for makingmoney. In response, an unprecedented amountof capital and investment manpower hasfl ooded into the energy market. Older utilitiesare finding that their quiet, safe businesshas changed dramatically in a short periodof time.
Now, Energy Trading and Investing provides abig-picture introduction to the industry alongwith the trading know-how and fi nancialdetails that every market participant needsfor success.
This hands-on guidebook covers all types ofenergy marketsfrom the big-three marketsof electricity, natural gas, and oil to thegrowing markets for liquefied natural gas,emissions, and alternative energy. It providesuseful information on the interdependenceof the different energy markets, who themajor players are, and how Wall Street tradesenergy products.
Energy Trading and Investing features:
Written by a pioneering quant in the energymarket, Energy Trading and Investing providesa highly disciplined and organized approachto profi ting from energy investments. Thispotent combination of detailed, up-to-dateinformation alongside expert know-howthoroughly prepares you to invest and tradewith confi dence in the energy market.
If youre a serious trader, you need to understandthe energy markets, and Energy Tradingand Investing is the only book you need totrade successfully in this growing sector.