Libros > Archives of Clinical Microbiology: The impact of climate change and other factors on zoonotic diseases (Ebook)
Portada de Archives of Clinical Microbiology: the Impact of Climate Change and Other 
factors on Zoonotic Diseases (ebook)

Archives of Clinical Microbiology: the Impact of Climate Change and Other factors on Zoonotic Diseases (ebook)

Autor:Preneshni R. Naicker.;
ISBN: EBcdlcm19898422
iMedPub nos ofrece Archives of Clinical Microbiology: the Impact of Climate Change and Other factors on Zoonotic Diseases (ebook) en inglés, disponible en nuestra tienda desde el 03 de Abril del 2012.
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Argumento de Archives of Clinical Microbiology: the Impact of Climate Change and Other factors on Zoonotic Diseases (ebook)

Approximately 60% of emerging human pathogens are zoonoses. The complex na- ture of the human-animal interface is constantly infuenced by the efects of climate change, anthropogenic and natural factors. Geoclimatic change most markedly af- fects zoonotic diseases transmitted by arthropod vectors. Travel, tourism and trade are the major human factors impacting the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases. The re-emergence of zoonotic diseases is also driven by pathogen adaptation and ani- mal migration. All these factors converge to make zoonotic diseases such as West Nile fever and Lyme disease of great public health concern in the developed world. However, the efects of climate change are predicted to be worse for the developing world where challenging socioeconomic and political environments are exacerbated by a lack of epidemiological studies on zoonotic diseases.0

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