"This is a beautifully written and illustrated book that details the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of western Atlantic Conus. . . . The author, Alan J. Kohn, is widely recognized as the world's premier scientific authority on the Conidae. Here, he has poured his deep passion for his subject into a scientific and technical masterpiece."--Steven Tettelbach, East Coast Shellfish Growers Association
"World-class scholarship. This is a great book that takes readers on a scholarly grand tour from the earliest research history to the latest methodological approaches used to understand the biology and relationships of this intriguing group of gastropods. Kohn provides an amazing and unprecedented wealth of information."--Rüdiger Bieler, coauthor of Seashells of Southern Florida
"Alan Kohn is considered the world's expert on Conus, and I greatly admire him as a scientist. It is doubtful anyone will ever undertake a more detailed and comprehensive study of this topic in the region. This is as good as it gets for Caribbean or any other regional group of mollusks. I predict Kohn's book will become an instant classic."--Fabio Moretzsohn, coauthor of Encyclopedia of Texas Seashells
"The comprehensive and clearly written species accounts, ranging from two to seven pages in length, occupy the bulk of the book. The volume is lavishly illustrated with 2,000-plus photos, presenting multiple images showing the variation of shapes and colors within each species. A valuable resource for anyone interested in cone shells in general and the mollusks of the tropical western Atlantic Ocean."--Choice
"Conus is for the serious naturalist and a must for the hard-core beachcomber. Kohn, a foremost authority on cone snails, displays his scholarship on every page, with 2,100 mesmerizing color shell photographs of these fascinating gastropods."--Bill Cannon, Scientist's Bookshelf
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction 1
Abbreviations Used in the Text 7
1 Setting the Stage: Approaches 9
2 Setting the Stage: The Geological Theater and the Evolutionary Play 18
3 This Book and How to Use it 32
4 Behind the Scenes:
Technical Aids to the Species Accounts 44
5 Species Accounts 56
Conus granulatus Linnaeus 56
Conus glenni Petuch 62
Conus ritae Petuch 64
Conus jaspideus Gmelin 67
Conus pealii Green 74
Conus stearnsii Conrad 80
Conus pusio Hwass in Bruguière 84
Conus mindanus Hwass in Bruguière 89
Conus bahamensis Vink and Röckel 95
Conus puncticulatus Hwass in Bruguière 97
Conus mazei Deshayes 106
Conus rainesae McGinty 114
Conus janowskyae (Tucker and Tenorio) 117
Conus armiger Crosse 120
Conus sauros Garcia 126
Conus lenhilli Cargile 129
Conus delessertii Récluz 130
Conus centurio Born 137
Conus cedonulli Linnaeus 146
Conus pseudaurantius Vink and von Cosel 156
Conus aurantius Hwass in Bruguière 160
Conus mappa [Lightfoot] 164
Conus curassaviensis Bruguière 174
Conus regius Gmelin 178
Conus cardinalis Hwass in Bruguière 188
Conus arangoi Sarasua 204
Conus explorator Vink 206
Conus hieroglyphus Duclos 209
Conus ziczac Megerle von Mühlfeld 212
Conus sahlbergi da Motta and Harland 217
Conus daucus Hwass in Bruguière 226
Conus amphiurgus Dall 239
Conus sanderi Wils and Moolenbeek 250
Conus eversoni Petuch 255
C. ceruttii Cargile 257
Conus ignotus Cargile 260
Conus cancellatus Hwass in Bruguière 264
Conus stimpsoni Dall 274
Conus villepinii Fischer and Bernardi 281
Conus attenuatus Reeve 288
Conus flavescens Sowerby I 296
Conus cingulatus Lamarck 302
Conus largillierti Kiener 306
Conus anabathrum Crosse 312
Conus gibsonsmithorum Petuch 324
Conus garciai da Motta 329
Conus harlandi Petuch 334
Conus sunderlandi Petuch 340
Conus spurius Gmelin 345
Conus mus Hwass in Bruguière 358
Conus patae Abbott 363
Conus ermineus Born 367
Conus lightbourni Petuch 379
Nomina dubia 382
6 Synthesis and Conclusions 395
Appendix 1. Molecular Phylogeny of Conus 419
Appendix 2. Morphology-Based Phylogeny of Conus 422
General Glossary 425
Bibliography 431
Index of Species-group Names 449
General Index 453