Health literacy can improve learning of patients attending scheduled appointments, treatment compliance, patient safety and eliminate barriers to access to health care. This publication provides an approach for analyzing literacy-related barriers to health and want to be a help to incorporate literacy in hospitals and health centers providing strategies to reduce complaints, improve attention to their personal and professional and ultimately reduce costs. The performance of the proposed revision of health literacy in the hospital environment is presented in this publication, want to generate discussion and reflection in order to plan strategies for improving schools. La alfabetización para la salud puede mejorar el aprendizaje de los pacientes, la asistencia a las citas programadas, el cumplimiento de los tratamientos, la seguridad del paciente y eliminar las barreras para acceder a la asistencia sanitaria. Esta publicación ofrece un enfoque para analizar las barreras relacionadas con la alfabetización para la salud y quiere ser una ayuda para incorporar la alfabetización en los hospitales y centros sanitarios facilitando estrategias para reducir las reclamaciones, mejorar la atención a las persones y profesionales y en definitiva, disminuir los costes. La realización de la propuesta de revisión de la alfabetización para la salud en el entorno hospitalario que se presenta en esta publicación, quiere generar debate y reflexión para poder planificar estrategias dirigidas a la mejora de los centros. Health literacy can improve learning of patients attending scheduled appointments, treatment compliance, patient safety and eliminate barriers to access to health care. This publication provides an approach for analyzing literacy-related barriers to health and want to be a help to incorporate literacy in hospitals and health centers providing strategies to reduce complaints, improve attention to their personal and professional and ultimately reduce costs. The performance of the proposed revision of health literacy in the hospital environment is presented in this publication, want to generate discussion and reflection in order to plan strategies for improving schools.