Corresponding to the chapters in Health Insurance Today, 4th Edition, this workbook lets you practice the skills you will need to succeed as a health insurance professional. Practical assignments reinforce the information in the text, and learning activities and exercises challenge you to apply your knowledge to real-world situations.
UPDATED! Medicare chapter reflects updates and changes from the new presidential administration.
1. The Origins of Health Insurance
2. Tools of the Trade: A Career as a Health (Medical) Insurance Professional
3. The Legal and Ethical Side of Medical Insurance
4. Types and Sources of Health Insurance
Unit 2: Health Insurance Basics
5. Claim Submission Methods
6. Traditional Fee-For-Service/Private Plans
7. Unraveling the Mysteries of Managed Care
8. Understanding Medicaid
9. Conquering Medicare's Challenges
10. Military Carriers
11. Miscellaneous Carriers: Worker's Compensation and Disability Insurance
Unit 3: Cracking the Codes
12. Diagnostic Coding
13. Procedural, Evaluation & Management and HCPCS Coding
Unit 4: The Claims Process
14. The Patient
15. The Claim
Unit 5: Advanced Application
16. The Role of Computers in Health Insurance
17. Reimbursement Procedures: Getting Paid
18. Hospital Claim Form: The UB-04