An exceptional medical resource for all professions involved in the management of whiplash patients Whiplash is one of the most debated and controversial musculoskeletal conditions. This is, in part, due to the often compensable nature of whiplash injuries and the fact that a precise pathoanatomical diagnosis is not usually achievable. Whiplash: Evidence base for clinical practice presents the evidence underpinning the complexity of whiplash associated disorders (WADs). This ranges from the specifics of current physiological and psychological manifestations of whiplash to broader issues such as compensation and litigation. This new medical textbook turns the spotlight on whiplash injuries and makes essential reading for anyone involved in the management whiplash patients. This includes physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, occupational therapy and health psychology practitioners and postgraduate students, as well as practitioners in rehabilitation therapies and primary care.
? discrete chapters on litigation and the role of compensation in whiplash injuries Reviewer list Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Structure of the book Chapter 1 Epidemiology of whiplash associated disorders Definitions Cumulative incidence of and risk factors for WAD Course and prognosis of WAD after a motor vehicle crash An epidemiological approach to aetiology The economic burden of WAD Summary Chapter 2 Clinical presentation of whiplash associated disorders Patterns of recovery Physical and psychological characteristics Classification systems for WAD Conclusions Chapter 3 Mechanism of injury Head?neck kinematics: global and segmental Injury theories Injury metrics Influencing factors for injury potential Summary Chapter 4 The evidence for pathoanatomical lesions Introduction Pathomechanics of whiplash injury Pathological lesions in whiplash injury Conclusion Chapter 5 Pain-processing mechanisms in whiplash associated disorders Introduction Mechanisms for post-injury central hyperexcitability Evidence for central hyperexcitability in chronic WAD Evidence for central hyperexcitability in acute WAD and in the transition to chronicity Relationships between sensory hypersensitivity and psychological distress Implications for clinical management of whiplash Conclusion Chapter 6 Neuromuscular dysfunction in whiplash associated disorders Changes in the properties of the cervical muscles Altered neuromuscular control in WAD Implications for the management of the patient with whiplash Conclusion Chapter 7 Dizziness, visual and sensorimotor control disturbances following whiplash injury Aetiology of dizziness, visual disturbances and sensorimotor control Disturbances in whiplash associated disorders Signs and symptoms of sensorimotor disturbance following a whiplash injury Implications for assessment Implications for management Conclusion Chapter 8 Psychological aspects of whiplash associated disorders Accident-related psychological factors Coping Catastrophising and kinesiophobia Attributions, beliefs and expectations Conclusion Chapter 9 Potential role of stress systems in the pathogenesis of whiplash associated disorders Sympathetic nervous system Neuropeptide Y Serotonin Clinical implications Current research needs and future research directions Chapter 10 Prognostic indicators of non-recovery following whiplash injury Prognostic factors for non-recovery Prediction of outcomes other than pain and disability Clinical implications Conclusion Chapter 11 Primary care management of acute whiplash injury Current evidence for the management of acute WAD The provision of advice and education Is pain control important? Physical characteristics of acute WAD and implications for management Psychological characteristics of acute WAD and implications for management Early multidisciplinary management Summary Chapter 12 Evidence-based management of chronic whiplash associated disorders Evidence base for management of chronic whiplash Evidence for physical interventions Evidence for psychological interventions Evidence for medical interventions Implementation of evidence in clinical practice Summary Chapter 13 Psychological management of chronic whiplash associated disorders Theory-derived psychological interventions Evidence-based practice Remaining issues and future prospects Conclusion Chapter 14 Compensation and health outcomes Introduction Compensation and related concepts Compensation: empirical considerations Health: the concept and its measurement Conclusions Chapter 15 Whiplash and the law The test for compensability Canadian Transport Accident Compensation Conclusions Chapter 16 Malingering and symptom magnification in whiplash Associated disorders Why study malingering in the area of whiplash? What is meant by ?malingering?? Approaches to detection of malingering Differential diagnosis of psychological disorders where symptom production or magnification is a feature Empirical studies of malingering and symptom magnification in pain A decision-making template for possible and probable malingering Chapter 17 Case descriptions Case description 1: acute whiplash Case description 2: acute whiplash Summary of cases 1 and 2 Case description 3: chronic whiplash Conclusion Chapter 18 Future directions Intervention trials Do some patients have a pre-existing risk of developing chronic pain after whiplash injury? Improving prognostic models Identification of a peripheral lesion Conclusion
? case studies on acute and chronic whiplash conditions
? covers the spectrum of the current evidence base for whiplash
? includes perspectives from a wide range of disciplines
? an invaluable resource for clinicians and policy makers alike