Libros > Virginal Mothers, Groovy Chicks & Blokey Blokes (Ebook)
Portada de Virginal Mothers, Groovy Chicks & Blokey Blokes (ebook)

Virginal Mothers, Groovy Chicks & Blokey Blokes (ebook)

Autor:Donna Pendergast;
ISBN: EB9781875378920
Australian Academic Press nos ofrece Virginal Mothers, Groovy Chicks & Blokey Blokes (ebook) en inglés, disponible en nuestra tienda desde el 01 de Diciembre del 2012.
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Argumento de Virginal Mothers, Groovy Chicks & Blokey Blokes (ebook)

There is an expectation that teachers are, and will be, transformers of society as they prepare young people to deal with an ever-changing world. While the importance of this role has never been greater, the status and respect once enjoyed by teachers has declined over recent years. Diminishing status and negative stereotypes have in turn contributed to a growing teacher shortage crisis, worldwide. Home economists, as one group of increasingly scarce teachers, have carried their share of negative stereotyping, led by tired cliches such as cookers and sewers and stitchers and stirrers. This book encourages rethinking of home economics and home economics teaching by providing insights into the embodied pedagogy of teachers who refuse to live by tired cliches. It explores ways in which these teachers engage in fun and pleasure, demonstrating that transformative moments are part of their classroom culture. This re-thinking offers challenges not only for home economics teachers, their profession and home economics as a cultural practice, but for the broader teaching community engaged in embodied pedagogy, thereby providing a paradigm shift for re-thinking the status and perceptions of teachers and teacher professionalism.

This book creates new knowledge; no other home economics writer in the world has attempted this. Dr Margaret Henry, Hong Kong Institute of Education This book fills a major gap in the literature in Australia and elsewhere. It is deliciously written and wonderfully rich. The teacher in home economics in particular, but in Australian curriculum more broadly, has been enriched by this analysis, which significantly opens new arenas for research.Professor Marie Brennan, University of Canberra0

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