He Didn't Just See The Future-He Lived It!
An imaginative tale of a man who didn't just see the future-he lived it. College student Paul Vance has no idea what he's letting himself in for when he signs up for extra help in his physics class with the mysterious professor Nazar Trobik, a man who seems to be a genus but with skeletons in his closet.
What Readers Are Ssying About Daryl Buckner And "THE TUTOR"
"I highly recommend "The Tutor," A good read with a great plot and interesting characters. The story line was fast paced with a great twist. He amazes me with the number of characters he creates without losing you. This book will be interesting for anyone, science oriented or not. Nice romance, along with some intrigue. Great book."-Leslie Cates, Sotera Defense Solutions at the Naval Research Laboratory.
"'The Tutor' is a textured plot filled with twists & turns, tension, suspense, and measured outrage. I couldn't put it down."-Jack Jania, Senior Vice President, Gemalto Inc.
"Mr. Buckner has written an engaging science fiction novel which could have happened. He has done similes numerous and humorous while keeping the reader anticipating and guessing with a sense of urgency. All around good read."-Joseph E. Cates, NASA.