"The book is a treasure trove, a labour of love and exceptional erudition, which will open up to the reader a world of poetry and culture as rich as anything in human civilization."--Times Literary Supplement
"The Dream of the Poem offers English readers a substantial, unfailingly elegant anthology of medieval Hebrew poetry in translation. Overall, it is a remarkable achievement. . . . [I]t brings to life a world we have long yearned to share more eloquently with those who could not read it for themselves."--Susan L. Einbinder, Speculum
"Traversing five centuries, four hundred poems, and fifty poets, the anthology represents a remarkable literature that evolved and flourished between the East and the West, between sacred and the profane, and amid the collision and collusion of traditions, religions, and languages . . . all bolstered by Cole's extensive introductions, biographies, commentary, and glossaries."--American Poet
Praise for Peter Cole's Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol and Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid (both Princeton): "Fresh, worldly, intimate, and wise."--Booklist
"Peter Cole offers us an unprecedented gift, bringing to life a body of Hebrew poetry that, wrote Harold Bloom, can at its best 'rival the magnificences of Scripture'....[Cole's] achievement in bringing us this volume is as death-defying an act as any ever undertaken by the poets he presents within its pages."--Esther Allen, Bomb Magazine
"The book constitutes a milestone that will not be easy to surpass. May this book inspire the next generation of researchers to develop further research aims in Medieval Hebrew literature!"--Arie Schippers, Review of Middle Eastern Studies
"...[Cole] has performed an enormous service and produced a book which is by turns moving, charming, and funny. No one after this will be able to write a book on medieval poetry without taking the Hebrew and Arabic poets of Spain into account."--Gabriel Josipovici, Times Literary Supplement
Winner of the 2010 TLS Risa Domb/Porjes Translation Prize, Jewish Book Council
Winner of the 2007 R. R. Hawkins Award, Association of American Publishers
Winner of the 2007 Award for Best Professional/Scholarly Book in Humanities, Association of American Publishers
Winner of the 2007 Award for Best Professional/Scholarly Book in Literature, Language, and Linguistics, Association of American Publishers
Winner of the 2007 National Jewish Book Award in Poetry
Finalist for the 2007 National Jewish Book Award in Sephardic Culture
Peter Cole, Winner of a 2010 Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters
"Seldom if ever has medieval Iberian literature received such attention from the English-speaking academic world, much less the larger American reading public, and it speaks to the importance of Cole's translations, which have given voice to this material in a way that other translations have not. For scholars of Spanish literature these translations are important in that they make accessible to non-Hebrew speakers a large body of Judeo-Iberian poetry, some of it not previously available in translation."--Michelle Hamilton, Bulletin of Spanish Studies
"Meticulously edited and captivating anthology.... [P]oetic scholarship at its best.... [A] major translation project."--Marjorie Perloff, Bookforum
Praise for Peter Cole's Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol and Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid (both Princeton):"Cole's translations . . . shimmer: they convey the power and mystique of the original."--Choice
"Perpetually astonishing. The central figures in Peter Cole's anthology are great by any standards.... [They] provoke love in any reader of Hebrew literature, and by [a] miracle of Cole's own creation, in any reader of little or no Hebrew who directly confronts the work of this major poet-translator.... Superb."--Harold Bloom, New York Review of Books
"Virtually stagnant since late Biblical times, Hebrew poetry and the language itself would be transformed by a succession of poets of genius and their imitators. In Peter Cole's rich new anthology, the extent of their astonishing achievement is fully revealed for the first time in English.... His versions are masterly."--Eric Ormsby, New York Times Book Review
Praise for Peter Cole's Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol and Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid (both Princeton): "Cole's vigorous inventive translation is equal to the task of rendering [the] work [of a poet] whose range encompassed commerce and God, war and wine. HaNagid emerges as a man of identifiably modern--even enlightened--breadth, even as the rest of Europe languished in its Dark Ages."--Publishers Weekly
"A sterling work of translation of unsurpassed scope, quality and importance."--Ross Brann, Cornell University
"The finest labor of poetic translation I have seen in many years.... An entire revelation."--Richard Howard, University of Houston
"The anthology appears in a series devoted to translated poetry, and is designed to be accessible to general readers. Yet it is also suitable for use as a course book: there are helpful introductions and annotations, and the publisher has made the Hebrew originals available on-line. The book is a true labour of love, and should win new readers to this wonderfully rich body of poetry."--Nicholas De Lange, Journal of Jewish Studies PART ONE: Muslim Spain (c. 950-c. 1140) DUNASH BEN LABRAT 23 THE WIFE OF DUNASH 27 YITZHAQ IBN MAR SHA'UL 28 YOSEF IBN AVITOR 30 YITZHAQ IBN KHALFOUN 35 SHMU'EL HANAGID 37 YOSEF IBN HASDAI 70 SHELOMO IBN GABIROL 74 YITZHAQ IBN GHIYYAT 111 YOSEF IBN SAHL 114 LEVI IBN ALTABBAAN 117 BAHYA IBN PAQUDA 119 YOSEF IBN TZADDIQ 137 SHELOMO IBN TZAQBEL 141 YEHUDA HALEVI 143 PART TWO: Christian Spain and Provence (c. 1140-1492) AVRAHAM IBN EZRA 173 YITZHAQ IBN EZRA 192 YOSEF QIMHI 196 YOSEF IBN ZABARA 200 ANATOLI BAR YOSEF 203 YEHUDA IBN SHABBETAI 205 YEHUDA ALHARIZI 208 YA'AQOV BEN ELAZAR 218 AVRAHAM IBN HASDAI 221 MEIR HALEVI ABULAFIA 225 YITZHAQ HASNIRI 227 MESHULLAM DEPIERA 229 MOSHE BEN NAHMAN (NAHMANIDES) 233 YITZHAQ IBN SAHULA 243 AVRAHAM ABULAFIA 245 AVRAHAM BEN SHMU'EL 252 TODROS ABULAFIA 256 NAHUM 270 AVRAHAM HABEDERSHI 272 YITZHAQ HAGORNI 275 YEDAYA HAPENINI 278 AVNER [OF BURGOS?] 281 QALONYMOS BEN QALONYMOS 284 YITZHAK POLGAR 287 SHEM TOV ARDUTIEL (SANTOB DE CARRIÓN) 289 SHMU'EL IBN SASSON 293 MOSHE NATAN 297 SHELOMO DEPIERA 299 VIDAL BENVENISTE 305 SHELOMO HALEVI (PABLO DE SANTA MARIA) 312 SHELOMO BONAFED 314 YITZHAQ ALAHDAB 320 MOSHE REMOS 326 'ELI BEN YOSEF [HAVILLIO?] 330 MOSHE IBN HABIB 331 SA'ADIA IBN DANAAN 333 Notes 337
Acknowledgments xxiii
Introduction 1
Fragment 24
Blessing for a Wedding 24
Drink, He Said 24
Will Her Love Remember? 27
A Fawn Sought in Spain 28
Lament for the Jews of Zion 31
A Curse 32
A Plea 33
Hymn for the New Year 33
Love in Me Stirs 35
A Gift of Cheese 36
On Fleeing His City 38
The Miracle at Sea 40
The Apple 44
The Gazelle 45
Jasmine 45
In Fact I Love That Fawn 45
Mixed in Spain 46
Your Years Are Sleep 46
The House of Prayer 47
The Critique 48
On Lifting the Siege 49
The War with Yaddayir 50
On the Death of Isaac, His Brother 53
First War 58
I'd Suck Bitter Poison 59
Delay Your Speech 59
The Rich 59
People Welcome the Rich 60
If You Leave a Long-Loved Friend 60
You Who'd Be Wise 60
When You're Desperate 61
It's Heart That Discerns 61
He'll Bring You Trouble 61
Could Kings Right a People Gone Bad 61
What's Familiar Is Sometimes Distanced 62
One Who Works and Buys Himself Books 62
Three Things 62
Soar, Don't Settle 62
Man's Wisdom Is in What He Writes 63
Be Glad, She Said 63
The Multiple Troubles of Man 63
Gazing through the Night 64
Earth to Man 65
The Child at One or Two 65
I Quartered the Troops for the Night 66
Luxuries Ease 66
Why Repeat the Sins 67
At the Treasury 67
Know of the Limbs 67
You Mock Me Now 68
Time Defies and Betrays 68
The Market 68
The Qasida 71
Truth Seekers Turn 75
I'm Prince to the Poem 76
Prologue to The Book of Grammar 76
They Asked Me as though They Were Mystified 77
See the Sun 78
On Leaving Saragossa 78
My Heart Thinks as the Sun Comes Up 81
Now the Thrushes 81
Winter with Its Ink 82
The Garden 82
The Field 83
The Bee 83
I'd Give Up My Soul Itself 84
Be Smart with Your Love 84
All in Red 85
You've Stolen My Words 85
The Altar of Song 85
The Pen 86
If You'd Live among Men 86
I Am the Man 86
Heart's Hollow 88
I Love You 89
Before My Being 90
Three Things 90
I Look for You 91
Open the Gate 91
The Hour of Song 92
Send Your Spirit 92
Angels Amassing 93
And So It Came to Nothing 94
He Dwells Forever 95
Haven't I Hidden Your Name 97
Lord Who Listens 98
I've Made You My Refuge 98
You Lie in My Palace 99
From Kingdom's Crown 99
My Wandering 112
The Fleas 114
Your Poem, My Friend 115
A Complaint about the Rich 115
Utter His Oneness 117
Exposed 118
Duties of the Heart 119
Weak with Wine 122
The Garden 123
Bring Me My Cup 123
A Shadow 123
The Fawn 124
The Garden, the Miser 124
The Pen 125
Heart's Desire 125
That Bitter Day 127
Let Man Remember 127
The Dove 127
Why Does Time Hound Me So 128
Ancient Graves 128
If You See Me 129
Ivory Palaces 129
The World 130
My Heart's Secret 130
I Roused My Thoughts from Slumber 130
Let Man Wail 132
On the Death of His Son 132
The Blind 133
The Gazelle's Sigh 133
Gold 134
The Day to Come 134
At the Hour of Closing 135
A Wedding Night's Consolation 137
Lady of Grace 139
Lines Inscribed on an Apple 142
Note to a Suitor Now Perplexed 142
A Fawn with Her Lashes 142
That Night a Gazelle 145
A Doe Washes 146
If Only Dawn 146
That Day while I Had Him 146
Another Apple 146
To Ibn al-Mu'allim 147
If Only I Could Give 147
Epithalamium 149
When a Lone Silver Hair 149
If Time 150
Inscriptions on Bowls 150
Four Riddles 150
Departure 151
On Friendship and Time 152
Slaves of Time 154
Heal Me, Lord 154
True Life 154
The Morning Stars 155
His Thresholds 155
Where Will I Find You 155
You Knew Me 156
A Doe Far from Home 156
A Dove in the Distance 157
You Slept, Then Trembling Rose 158
Love's Dwelling 158
Lord, 159
If Only I Could Be 160
Won't You Ask, Zion 162
My Heart Is in the East 164
How Long Will You Lie 164
Heart at Sea 165
My Soul Longed 167
Has a Flood Washed the World 167
In the Heart 168
Above the Abyss 168
Time Has Tossed Me 168
Be with Me 169
Along the Nile 169
This Breeze 170
Fortune's Stars 174
How It Is 175
A Cloak 175
The Flies 176
World Poetry 176
All the Rest Is Commentary 177
I. The Flood 177
II. Reading Exodus 177
III. The Miracle (at Lehi) 177
Pleasure 177
In Place 177
The Wedding Night, Continued 178
An Ancient Battle 179
Lament for Andalusian Jewry 181
Elegy for a Son 182
My Hunger 184
Sent Out from the Glory 184
Lord, I Have Heard 184
My God, 185
To the Soul 185
Blessèd Is He Who Fears 186
I Bow Down 188
Children of Exile 189
I Call to Him 189
You Whose Hearts Are Asleep 190
On the Death of Yehuda HaLevi 193
Over His Boy 194
Conversion 195
Love for the World 197
Always Be Vigilant 197
Consider This 197
Suffer Your Sorrow 197
On Wisdom 198
If You Hear Someone Insult You 198
Wait and Be Saved 198
Wealth 199
Silence and Speech 199
Sweet and Sour 201
My Ex 201
Look at These People 202
The Physician 202
The Test of Poetry 203
Motto 204
From The Offering of Yehuda the Misogynist 206
I. Pharaoh's Wisdom 206
II. The Misogynist in Love 206
III. A Raised Offering 207
IV. Two Things 207
V. The Sage Lies 207
Born to Baseness 209
The Hypocrite 210
The Jerk 210
A Miser in Mosul 210
The Miser 211
On Zion's Holy Hill 211
Boys: Two Poems 212
I. If Amram's Son 212
II. An Answer 212
Masters of Song 212
Measure for Measure 212
A Lover Wandered 213
How Long, My Fawn 213
Curses' Composition 213
A Flashing Sword 214
Palindrome for a Patron 214
A Poem No Patron Has Ever Heard 215
Admiration for the Patron Again I'll Prove 215
Two Poems on Karaism 215
I. For 215
II. Against 216
Virtue 216
I'll Set Out a Verse and Lay the Foundation . . . 216
The Hypocrite's Beard 219
Four Poems on Subtle Love 220
I. The Doe 220
II. A Kiss 220
III. A Lover's Transgression 220
IV. Spats and Squabbles 220
Watch Out 222
ProPortion 222
Age as Author 222
Which Is More Bitter 223
The Lying Word 223
The Monk's Advice 223
Advice for a Future King 223
I. Wisdom's Mantle 223
II. Don't Believe 224
III. The Hyssop and the Cedar 224
Plea for a Tax Break 226
(L)attitude 226
Fighting Time 226
On the Worship of Wood and a Fool 228
The Poet 230
On a New Book by Maimonides 230
Before You Take Up Your Pen 230
How Could You Press for Song 231
As One with the Morning Stars 232
Before the World Ever Was 234
From "One Hundred Verses" 237
Career Counseling 241
A Mystery 241
On Poets and Poetry 241
Why God Made You 242
The Fool Thinks 242
Poverty's War 242
The Cynic Speaks 244
On Humility 244
From The Book of the Letter 247
To Whom among the Avengers of Blood 253
The Nut Garden 255
I've Labored in Love 258
She Said She Wanted 258
The Day You Left 258
That Fine Gazelle 259
They Fight with Me over Desire 259
That Girl Emerged 259
May My Tongue 259
There's Nothing Wrong in Wanting a Woman 260
Strong Poet, Weak Poet 260
Plaster and Pearls 261
Nothing Left to Say 261
Teachers and Writers 261
Before the King 262
My King 262
Poems from Prison 262
I. As Love Lives 262
II. Treacherous Time 263
III. The Filthy Lay in Darkness with Me 263
IV. My Rings Have Fallen 263
V. Is It the Lord 264
Time Tries as I Drift 264
The Sea Casts Up Mire and Mud 264
On a Bible Written by Shmu'el HaNagid 265
Time Spreads Its Nets 265
Old Age Is Double-Edged 266
Perversion's Pigeons 266
My Thinking Wove 266
The Lord Is Good and So I'm Tormented 267
Defiled and Pure Are One 267
On Hearing Church Bells 267
I Take Delight in My Cup and Wine 268
Winter Has Waned 270
Why the Poet Refuses to Fight 273
Your Muse 273
Lament for a Foe 274
The Poet's Distress 274
Would You Tell Me 276
HaGorni's Lament 276
The World Is a Raging Sea 279
The Last Words of My Desire 282
On Becoming a Woman 285
Faith's Philosophy, Philosophy's Faith 288
From The Battles of the Pen and the Scissors 290
I. Writer, You Hold 290
II. To Praise the Pen 291
III. Tomorrow I'll Write 291
IV. Enter the Scissors 291
V. Work I Was Cut Out to Do 291
VI. The Pen Fights Back 292
VII. The Scissors Longed 292
Man's Peril 294
Why Most Poets Are Poor 294
They Will Be Tried 296
Prison 297
From "The Ten Commandments" 298
Clothes Make the Man 298
Thinkers with Thinking 301
The Bee and the Grumbler 301
Medieval Arthritis 301
Winter in Monzón 302
After Conversion 303
Tabernacles: A Prayer 303
A Prayer for Rain and Sustenance 303
This Year's Wine: 1417 304
Advice from Wives 306
What Girls Want 306
To a Poet-Friend Too Much in Need 307
Poems for a Doe in a Garden 307
A Thank You Note 308
Think about This 308
Beyond Words 308
My Son, before You Were Born 309
To One Who Said His Heart for Verse Was Adamant 309
Clarity 309
What Goes Around Comes . . . 309
The Tongue Speaks and the Hand Records 310
Memory's Wine 313
World Gone Wrong 315
A Vision of Ibn Gabirol 317
Wherever You Go 318
Inflation 320
Another Flea 321
Security 321
The Elderly Asked if the Doctors 321
As Sorcerers Spread 321
Being Poor 322
State of the Art; or, Poetry Wails 322
Renaissance Man 323
Last Words 327
Who Soars 330
Account 332
You Come to the House of God 332
Enmity Smolders 334
Hordes of Readers 334
Mixed Messenger 334
She Trapped Me 334
Chiasmus for a Doe 335
Glossary 527