"David Victor 'thinks big' about the architecture of an international regime that would effectively regulate the primary cause of this climate change: emissions of greenhouse gases into the global atmosphere. . . . Victor's analysis makes it clear that in order to design a policy framework that will allow active control of the rate of future climate change, the US will have to engage with the emerging new institutions of global environmental governance."--Mike Hulme,The Times Higher Education Supplement
"Victor's keen institutional insights and recommendations-required reading for those aiming to get climate change negotiations back on track-make the book a genuine contribution to the broader literature of global diplomacy."--Christopher D. Stone, University of Southern California Law School
"The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming is interesting, thoughtful, unique, and timely. Its strength is its ability to integrate a wide variety of disciplines--economics, political science, international law, as well as the underlying science."--William Nordhaus, Yale University
"David Victor's book is a rare delight and one of the finest documents I have seen in a very long time. It is a devastating critique of the international negotiations on global warming. . . . Victor's style is clear, easy-to-read, and incisive. It is a startlingly good volume that should immediately reach students of international relations, politics, and economics."--David Pearce, University College London
"This book gives the reader a detailed and complete analysis of why the author anticipated the Kyoto Protocol to fail just as the failure is currently happening. . . . [Victor] succeeds in showing that the global-warming problem touches different disciplines from natural sciences to economy and from national and international legislation to policy and diplomacy."--F. Pauli, Journal of Economics
"Required reading [for] those interested in international relations and economics."--Choice
"Victor's analysis is sharp and fresh. . . . He offers a measured analysis of intelligent solutions. . . . At heart, though, he argues that the protocol will fail because of its architecture and its inability to take modern economic truths into account."--Alanna Mitchell, The Globe and Mail
"Victor is no Pollyanna. He thinks public awareness of the problem is widespread. The lack of a 'viable architecture' for international cooperation is the main impediment to action."--David Warsh, The Boston Globe
"In 1997, 38 relatively rich nations agreed at Kyoto to reduce by 2012 their greenhouse gas emissions, mainly carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, to below 1990 levels. This short and closely reasoned book argues persuasively that this plan is deeply flawed."--Foreign Affairs
"Victor is not the enemy. He bears bad news, but one's reaction to bad news should not be directed against its bearer. Victor's painstaking analysis shows that the signers of the protocol left the really difficult questions to be worked out later, according to an unrealistic timetable. He carefully analyzes the alternative ways these difficult matters could succeed."--John B. Cobb, Christian Century
"In [his] timely new book . . . [David Victor] argues that . . . the real cause of the treaty's collapse is the architecture of a pure 'cap and trade' system, which allows ambitious targets but puts no limits on compliance costs."--Economist
CHAPTER 1 Crisis and Opportunity 3
CHAPTER 2 Kyoto's Fantasyland: Allocating the Atmosphere 25
CHAPTER 3 Monitoring and Enforcement 55
Rethinking the Architecture 75
CHAPTER 5 After Kyoto: What Next? 109
APPENDIX The Causes and Effects of Global Warming: A Brief Survey of the Science 117
Notes 123
Works Cited 155
Index 173