A unique, fundamental resource for nursing students in a clinical environment The Clinical Placement, 2nd Edition: An essential guide for nursing students is an interactive textbook designed to guide nursing students through their clinical placement journey. The first edition of this nursing reference proved extremely valuable in helping nursing students use their clinical placements as opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge, attitude and understanding that underpin quality practice. The Clinical Placement, 2nd Edition is fully revised with a fresh new appeal. It builds upon the success of the first edition, while incorporating a wealth of new, topical content written in easy-to-understand language. Designed to challenge and inspire students, The Clinical Placement, 2nd Edition: An essential guide for nursing students introduces foundational knowledge in early chapters before addressing more complex issues. This indispensable nursing resource will motivate students to think deeply and critically about important professional and clinical issues.
? stories and scenarios to help students relate theory to the reality of practice
? 'something to think about' boxes offering valuable advice
? 'student experience' sections
? reflective thinking activities to encourage self-assessment and experiential learning
? new sections to address contemporary issues such as Indigenous health, patient safety, clinical reasoning, therapeutic communication, interprofessional communication, clinical handover, emotional intelligence, information and communication technology and social networking 1.1 Know the lie of the land 1.2 The clinical placement?what it is and why it matters 1.3 Person-centred care 1.4 Models of care 1.5 Competent practice 1.6 Working within your scope of practice 1.7 Who shall I turn to? 1.8 Working hard?but not too hard 1.9 First impressions last 1.10 The generation gap 1.11 The roles and functions of the interdisciplinary healthcare team Reflective thinking activities References Chapter 2?Great expectations 2.1 Patients? expectations 2.2 Clinicians? expectations 2.3 Professional expectations 2.4 Legal requirements 2.5 Don?t apologise for being a student 2.6 Speak up, speak out 2.7 Exercise your rights 2.8 You?re not the boss of me (oh really?) 2.9 Don?t take everything personally 2.10 Compliance and compromise 2.11 Being naive Reflective thinking activities References Chapter 3?How you act 3.1 Cultural safety 3.2 Teamwork 3.3 Managing conflict 3.4 Dealing with horizontal violence 3.5 Dealing with sexual harassment 3.6 Taking care of yourself 3.7 Patient advocacy 3.8 Best practice 3.9 Practice principles 3.10 Clinical governance 3.11 Patient safety 3.12 Clinical learning objectives 3.13 Student assessment 3.14 Giving and receiving gifts 3.15 Visitors during clinical placements 3.16 Using the company supplies 3.17 Punctuality and reliability 3.18 Putting work ahead of your studies 3.19 Clinical placements at distant locations Reflective thinking activities References Chapter 4?How you think and feel 4.1 Caring 4.2 Reflective practice 4.3 Reality check and seeking feedback 4.4 Emotional Intelligence 4.5 Critical thinking and critical reasoning 4.6 Ethical dilemmas in nursing 4.7 Crossing over the line 4.8 Getting the support you need Reflective thinking activities References Chapter 5?How you communicate 5.1 What is a nurse? 5.2 Therapeutic communication 5.3 Welcome to Australia or New Zealand 5.4 Using professional language 5.5 Documentation and legal issues 5.6 Information and communication technology (ICT) in healthcare and in education 5.7 Patient handover 5.8 Your voice in the clinical environment 5.9 Telephones and the internet 5.10 Self-disclosure 5.11 Providing effective feedback Reflective thinking activities References Chapter 6?Insights from clinical experts 6.1 Aviation nursing Fiona McDermid, Amanda Ferguson 6.2 Community health nursing Cheryle Morley, Bronwyn Warne 6.3 Day surgery nursing Alison Anderson 6.4 Developmental disability nursing Kristen Wiltshire, Bill Learmouth 6.5 Drug and alcohol nursing Richard Clancy 6.6 Emergency nursing Leanne Egan 6.7 General practice nursing Elizabeth J Halcomb 6.8 Indigenous health nursing Vicki Bradford 6.9 Intensive care nursing Paula McMullen 6.10 International nursing Kerry Reid-Searl 6.11 Justice health nursing Annette Griffin 6.12 Medical nursing Sandy Eager 6.13 Mental health nursing Teresa Stone 6.14 Midwifery Lyn Ebert 6.15 Nephrology nursing Peter Sinclair 6.16 Occupational health nursing Jennifer Anastasia 6.17 Older person nursing Helen Bellchambers 6.18 Paediatric Nursing Elizabeth Newham 6.19 Palliative care nursing Amanda Johnson 6.20 Perioperative nursing Menna Davies 6.21 Primary health care nursing Judy Yarwood, Jill Clendon 6.22 Private hospital nursing Deánne Portelli, Lynette Saul, Margaret Mason 6.24 Rural and remote nursing Maryanne Hethorn 6.25 Surgical nursing Dee McGuire Glossary Index
? issues of relevance to the New Zealand health care context
? discussion of topical issues such as national registration
? enhanced attention to cultural safety
? refers to the most recent professional standards and codes of practice
? new clinical specialties profiled, including drug and alcohol nursing, emergency nursing and international nursing