Psychologist Nadine McKillop has extensive experience counselling both victims and offenders in Australia and abroad. Nadineâs qualifications include a BA(Criminology and Criminal Justice), Bachelor of Behavioural Science and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). For the past decade her practice has focused predominantly on child sexual assault. Nadine worked for Bravehearts as a psychologist until January 2010. Dedicated to continued research in this area, Nadine is a currently completing a Doctorate of Philosophy examining developmental and situational risk factors associated with the onset of child sexual assault, with a focus on informing primary prevention initiatives.
Carol Ronken worked as a researcher and Associate Lecturer at Griffith University in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice before joining Bravehearts in early 2003. With a BA(Psych) and Masters in Social Research, Carol is the Research Manager for Bravehearts and is passionate about ensuring the organisationâs active involvement in research, policy and legislative development that aims to prevent, respond to, and ultimately reduce the incidence of child sexual assault in the community.
Sam Vidler is a qualified counsellor who has been supporting children and families affected by sexual assault for several years. Samâs qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts and Graduate Diploma in Counselling. She is currently undertaking a postgraduate degree in psychology. In addition to working therapeutically with children, young people and parents, Sam was employed as the Braveheartsâ Therapeutic Services Manager until November 2010.
Bravehearts Inc. is a national, registered charity whose members believe that the provision of effective support and care to children who have been sexually assaulted and their non-offending families, together with effective prevention, early intervention and increased community awareness will provide a fundamental cornerstone necessary to a healthy society.