The Beasts of Robertson Terrace is a tale of adventure about the imaginary coming-to-life of two limestone statues, the Lion and the Unicorn. In fairytale fashion, they encounter opposition and adversity as hero and heroine in the situations in which they become involved. There are threats from humans to be wary of, rivals and enemies among the other mythical creatures, and fear of dinosaurs and of fire. They also experience friendliness and helpfulness in their wanderings. This is action-packed tale appeals to boys as well as girls. It aims to encourage reading and language skills; develop imagination, and help them negotiate the give and take of friendship. It also promotes a knowledge of our modern world in various aspects that include features of London. The reading age is suitable for ages 9 to 11, but feedback shows that children from six upwards love it, as well an and 86-year-old lady.