Libros > Técnica y ser en Heidegger (Ebook)
Portada de Técnica y Ser en Heidegger (ebook)

Técnica y Ser en Heidegger (ebook)

ISBN: EB9788490127780
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca nos ofrece Técnica y Ser en Heidegger (ebook) en español, disponible en nuestra tienda desde el 15 de Octubre del 2017.
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Argumento de Técnica y Ser en Heidegger (ebook)

What is the meaning of technology in the modern era? What is the place of this social phenomenon in our age? What role plays the ?event? of the world?s technification for contemporary societies? And more: What contribution offers a Heideggerian philosophy to our capacity to think about modern technology? These questions reflect the main purpose of the present work: a philosophical inquiry into the identity of modern technology. The study takes as its point of departure Heidegger?s perspective on the intrinsic relationship between technology and being and, on this basis, several theoretical tools for the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of technology are proposed, tools designed to construct on ontology of modern technology. In sum, the work attempts an ontological reading of modern technology from a Heideggerian point of view. In order to develop the proposed research, the project takes into account Heidegger?s philosophical trajectory, which starts with the question of being and arrives at the question of technology. Beginning therefore with the question concerning technology, the work explores the main Heideggerian concepts necessary for an understanding of technology?s nature, such as Gestell, Bestand, Ereignis, die Kehre, and others. Regarding the present relevance of Heidegger?s thinking on modern technology, the study analyzes the current phenomena of globalization and of the information society, describing them as significant icons for a Heideggerian reading of technification on a planetary scale. Furthermore, the project considers the contributions of Heidegger?s philosophy of technology towards an ontology of modern technique compared to the thought of the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset. The study concludes describing the reasons for the present relevance and significance of a Heideggerian perspective in order to construct an ontology of modern technology.0

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