Taking readers on an uneasy voyage of discovery and a thrilling journey throughout Brazilian History, "Tainted Odete" tells the provocative story of a slave girl who raised like a lady in Colonial Brazil, where she has a fateful encounter with her destiny. This supernatural novel has as subtext of the barely digested history of slavery, forever ingrained in our soil fertilized with the blood of black souls.
In print for less than a year, Frontin's Tainted Odete is enchanting readers and haunting adventurers worldwide. The novel has sold over one thousand copies in Portuguese - a limited market for an independent producer like the writer.
? Those who do not know influent people in Brazil have a good reason to give up writing. However, I'm stubborn, determined. I particularly admire the entrepreneur power of the anglo-saxon people. Today, I took the financial risks and published the ebook Tainted Odete, in English?, said Rogerio.