Ebook for Parents & Guardians on schooling in the UK
For many parents it?s not practical to home school our children, so we rely on the Education system in the UK to educate them from age 5. We?ll go to all lengths to find the best schools, be it Grammar, Independent, Secondary (High) or Primary of our choice for them.
This ebook is packed with techniques and strategies for making the transition from Primary to Secondary School easier. Once they are in High School what could be done to support them, because the ultimate aim is to get good GCSE results.
Information included:
Applying for a place /submitting your application
Appealing / Being on a waiting list
Starting school
The beginning of every academic year (September)
Parents? Evening
School Report
Private tutoring
What to do when things go wrong
Faith Schools & Academies
Dealing with exclusion
Resources Year 9, 10 & 11
Preparation from the age of 5
and more...