Argumento de Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling In Rdfs and Owl 2nd Edition
Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist is the essential, comprehensive resource on semantic modeling, for practitioners in health care, artificial intelligence, finance, engineering, military intelligence, enterprise architecture, and more. Focused on developing useful and reusable models, this market-leading book explains how to build semantic content (ontologies) and how to build applications that access that content.
New in this edition:
- Coverage of the latest Semantic Web tools for organizing, querying, and processing information - see details in TOC below
- Detailed information on the latest ontologies used in key web applications including ecommerce, social networking, data mining, using government data, and more
- Updated with the latest developments and advances in Semantic Web technologies for organizing, querying, and processing information, including SPARQL, RDF and RDFS, OWL 2.0, and SKOS
- Detailed information on the ontologies used in today's key web applications, including ecommerce, social networking, data mining, using government data, and more
- Even more illustrative examples and case studies that demonstrate what semantic technologies are and how they work together to solve real-world problems