BSAVA Manuals in various topics, Blackwell, extent varies from 169 to 464 pages, price varies from £47 to £59 for members and £69 to £89 for non-members.
- system based approach case based approach as opposed to Blackwell's disease based approach as we strongly feel that this approach is more beneficial for the practitioner - taking the veterinary practitioner as a starting point (the animal comes in the practice with certain symptoms, then what happens next)
- our books will be synoptic, easy accessible and with the essential information (bullet points) for user-friendliness and easy access to the content. The majority of the BSAVA Manual have included a lot of information and have moved from bullet pointed text to more elaborate text.
- we want the reader to understand why certain steps are taken by means of decision trees: if you do this, then this will happen; if you chose to follow this path, this will be the consequence, etc. It will be quite a challenge to get this right and may not be applicable to every case, but the other potential authors felt very strongly we should include this as this is lacking in the majority of books at the moment
- full colour throughout; no plate sections
- our books will not aim to cover the whole range, but concentrate on the most common cases that general/ small animal practitioners will see in their practice
- coverage of dogs, cats and rabbits
- ours will have handy format and flexi cover; BSAVA Manual published in very large format: 297 x 210 mm (American A4
- BSAVA Manuals do not provide the set-by-step guide as we propose
- manuals have become top heavy recently and drift towards a more academic and less practical approach
Dobson: Small Animal Oncology, 2001, Blackwell, 304 pages, $94.99 1. How to obtain the perfect biopsy 2. Principles of cancer surgery 3. Principles of cancer chemotherapy 4. Principles of cancer radiotherapy 5. The cancer patient with halitosis and/or nasal discharge 6. The cancer patient with halitosis and/or hypersalivation 7. The coughing and/or dyspnoeic cancer patient 8. The dysphagic/gagging/retching cancer patient 9. The vomiting and/or diarrhoeic cancer patient 10. The haematochezic or dyschezic cancer patient 11. The anaemic cancer patient 12. The polydipsic cancer patient 13. The haematuric/stranguric/dysuric cancer patient 14. The lame cancer patient 15. The cancer patient with lumps and bumps Appendices Multiple choice questions MCQs - Answers Appendix 1: World Health Organization clinical staging scheme for lymphoma in domestic animals Appendix 2: Chemotherapy protocols Appendix 3: Protocol for a water deprivation test Appendix 4: Daily calorie calculations for dogs and cats Appendix 5: Protocol for performing a prostatic wast Appendix 6: Suppliers list Index
- written in note form and without using the case-based approach: from epidemiology, etiology, pathology and presentation through to staging, management, and prognosis of an chosen malignancy