Number three of the Red Dwarf novels. Read the continuing adventures of Clay Stone.
This is the continuing story of a Starship Captain who embarks on a stellar mission to Lyuten 726-8, a twin star system of red dwarfs will be the next logical objective. 8.2 light years away on a starship named, ?The Bruit?. He is accompanied by his wife, Mandy and son Beryl.
Omni Fleet nemeses, the Star Pirates emerge. Meanwhile, the Masonic order of the Knights Templar (An elite fighting force of warrior monks) joins forces. Will the Knights Templar become Omni Fleet?s salvation?
The trip is fraught with trials and tribulations, and Omni Fleet Corporation is almost doomed near the end. The story is packed full of humor, romance, action and adventure. You?re going to love this one too.
Keep an eye out for Red Dwarf IV Captain Beryl?s epic adventure.
But, PLEASE, don?t tell anyone the ending.