Argumento de Produced With Love
Hazlo tuyo, hazlo con amor y compártelo. La intención de este libro, no es la de dar ejemplos sin más, ni tampoco pretende ser una guía. Muestra la experiencia de diseñadores y artistas que realizaron trabajos prestando especial atención a la fase de producción.En este libro a través de sus diferentes capítulos se propone descubrir distintos elementos del diseño. Aplicando tintas especiales, dándole un uso diferente al papel, creando una tipografía, cambiando el formato usual, o utilizando materiales no necesariamente convencionales en las artes gráficas.Deseo que a medida que vayas adentrándote en la lectura la inspiración surja se despierte tu creatividad y que luches por tus propias ideas, con los procesos de producción que tu elijas.
También está disponible en el App Store la aplicación gratuita, , con la que podrás visualizar los videos/making-off de algunos de los trabajos que aparecen en el libro.
In todays world, good and effective design has become a vitally important part of our world, to the point where were used to seeing highly stylised magazines, signs, packaging, websites and more. But even though were constantly surrounded by designed objects, there are still those objects that stand out from the others. These are objects that are more than simply pretty or interesting, objects whose intention and concept was created with a special kind of labour, that are produced with love. This book collects a series of different works that are exactly this, the kind of design is more than a mere product. The book is divided into chapters according to the type of work, with categories such as ink, typography, paper, format and materials. This book celebrates design that represents the love that goes into its creation. In the App Store you can find the free application, , which you can use to visualise the videos, and "making of's" from some of the pieces that appear in the book.