Planning horizons and timing settings are critical to controlling the behavior of planning applications. But few people understand the impact that timing settings in one APO application have on other APO applications, and what implications they have for controlling system output. APO is the most fully-featured supply chain planning suite on the market, and its sheer number of timing settings makes it one of the most complex as well! Keeping these settings straight and associating the timings across the modules-as well as coordinating the timings with the connected systems-is a challenge in APO. If you would like to better understand the timing settings in APO and other advanced planning systems, or if your company is planning to implement APO, this book is for you. Here you will learn about the timing settings, planning horizons and calendars in four of the most commonly-implemented APO applications (DP, SNP, PP/DS and GATP), and how timing settings in one APO module interact with and impact upon the timing settings in the other APO modules.