Argumento de Physician Coding Exam Review 2013 - E-book (ebook)
Build the confidence to succeed on the AAPC CPC® certification exam and take your medical coding career to the next step with CPC® Coding Exam Review 2013: The Certification Step with ICD-9-CM! Reflecting the expert insight of leading coding educator Carol J. Buck, this complete exam review guides you step-by-step through all of the content covered on the CPC® exam, including anatomy and terminology for each organ system; reimbursement concepts; an overview of CPT, ICD-9-CM, and HCPCS coding; and more. Plus, two practice exams and a final exam modeled on the actual CPC® exam simulate the exam experience to give you a head start on certification success.
- Comprehensive review content based on the AAPC CPC®exam covers everything you need to know to pass your exams.
- Companion Evolve website includes a pre-examand post-examwith answers and rationales that allow you to track your learning, identify areas where you need more study, and overcome test anxiety.
- A final exam located in the text simulates the actual testing experience you?ll encounter when you take the CPC® exam.
- Concise outline format helps you quickly access key information and study more efficiently.
- NEW! Real-world, physician-based coding cases provide extra practice and preparation for the CPC exam.
0Success StrategiesCourse Syllabus and Student Calendar
Unit 1: Anatomy, Terminology, and Pathophysiology
- Integumentary System
- Musculoskeletal System
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular System
- Female Genital System and Pregnancy
- Male Genital System
- Urinary System
- Digestive System
- Mediastinum and Diaphragm
- Hemic and Lymphatic System
- Endocrine System
- Nervous System
- Senses
- Unit 1 Quiz Answers
Unit 2: Reimbursement Issues
- Reimbursement Issues
- National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)
- Federal Register
- Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO)
- Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS)
- Medicare Fraud and Abuse
- Managed Health Care
- Reimbursement Terminology
- Reimbursement Quiz
- Reimbursement Quiz Answers
Unit 3: Overview of CPT, ICD-9-CM, and HCPCS Coding
- Introduction to Medical Coding
- HCPCS Coding
- An Overview of the ICD-9-CM
- Using the ICD-9-CM
Unit 4: Coding Challenge
- Examinations
- Pre-Examination and Post-Examination
- Final Examination
Appendix A: Resources
Appendix B: Medical Terminology
Appendix C: Combining Forms
Appendix D: Prefixes
Appendix E: Suffixes
Appendix F: Abbreviations
Appendix G: Further Text Resources
Appendix H: Practice Exercises Answers and Rationales