After inputting the Protagonist's name, delights in the introduction scenes, and when you have control, make a save at the calendar on the wall. Head upstairs and lie down on the futon to take part in the dream series. In the dream, run forward to the end of the road, examine out the big block, and then prepare for a battle. You cannot lose this battle, so do not fret about failing. This is a good time to test your various capacities, so experiment to your heart's product. After the being fades away, wait a couple turns for the struggle to end. Watch more intro scenes in the really early morning of this rainy Tuesday, and throughout your talk, choose the "You calling me a loser?" choice to improve your Courage. Watch more scenes throughout the remaining day. More cut scenes to see. In the first blush, you'll have a lecture, which enhances your Knowledge. Watch more scenes for the other day, then return to your room to see the Midnight Channel.