Argumento de Pediatric Clinical Advisor E-book (ebook)
Quickly and confidently access the on-demand, go-to guidance you need to diagnose, treat, and manage hundreds of pediatric disorders! A new user-friendly "five-books-in-one" format makes it easier than ever for you to zero in on nearly 400 common pediatric diagnoses, common signs and symptoms (with diagnostic algorithms and differentials), plus commonly used tables, equations, and charts.
- Find the specific information you need quickly and easily with the aid of a consistent, bulleted outline format and alphabetical listings of diseases, topics, differential diagnoses, and algorithms.
- Deliver the best outcomes by incorporating clinical pearls from experts in the field into your practice.
- Reference the complete contents online anytime, fully searchable.
- Consult either the user-friendly text or the fully searchable web site to provide high-quality pediatric patient care - efficiently and effectively.
0SECTION I Diseases and Disorders
SECTION II Differential Diagnosis
SECTION III Clinical Algorithms
SECTION IV Charts, Formulas, Laboratory Tests, and Values
SECTION V Prevention