Pass Finals is a notes-style summary of the key facts to know for the diagnosis and management of important diseases. The book relates to Kumar & Clark'sClinical Medicine, and it's synoptic approach is intended to help time-poor students with revision for final exams in medicine. Information is presented as bullet point lists and short summaries. There are also practice self-assessment questions at the end of each chapter, with explanatory answers at the end of the book.
2 Question types in medical finals.
3 Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs).
4 Pharmacology and therapeutics.
5 Radiology.
6 Clinical chemistry.
7 Infectious diseases.
8 Respiratory medicine.
9 Cardiology.
10 Gastroenterology and hepatology.
11 Rheumatology.
12 Dermatology.
13 Endocrinology.
14 Renal medicine.
15 Haematology.
16 Oncology and genetic disease.
17 Neurology.
18 Psychological medicine.
19 Statistics and evidence-based medicine.
Appendix A. Answers to multiple choice questions.
Appendix B. Answers to extended matching questions.
Appendix C. Normal reference ranges / Normal values for laboratory tests.