Filled with Dr. Frank Netter?s world-class illustrations and all the essential information on anatomy and physiology relevant to SLH, Netter?s Atlas of Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing, and Hearing, 2nd Edition uses a unique "read-it, see-it" approach to help you easily connect anatomy and physiology concepts to detailed illustrations. This full-color SLH-specific atlas contains a basic overview of anatomical organization systems, expanded content on swallowing, and updated discussions on the anatomical and functional bases of normal speech, swallowing, and hearing to give you a solid foundation in learning how to diagnose and treat SLH disorders.
? NEW! Expanded content on swallowing meets the growing need for this vital information.
? NEW! Updated content and references gives you the most current information on the anatomy and physiology relevant to speech, language, and hearing. The Phonatory System 5. Larynx 6. Laryngeal Cartilages 7. Hyoid Bone 8. Articulations 9. Ligaments and Membranes 10. Vocal Folds 11. Laryngeal Muscles 12. Intrinsic Muscles 13. Extrinsic Muscles The Articulatory System 14. Cranial Anatomy 15. Vocal Tract 16. Muscles of Facial Expression 17. Neck Muscle 18. Tongue Muscles 19. Muscles of Mastication 20. Muscles of the Soft Palate 21. Pharyngeal Muscles 22. Velopharyngeal Mechanism The Auditory System 23. Inner Ear 24. Middle Ear 25. Outer Ear Neuroanatomy 26. Telencephalon 27. Diencephalon 28. Mesencephalon 29. Pons 30. Medulla Oblongata 31. Spinal Cord 32. Cerebellum 33. Cranial Nerves