"With this book, Nathan Jensen offers new and exciting research on the political economy of foreign direct investment (FDI). Rich both in theory and in empirical evidence, this excellent work has far-reaching implications for political science and economics alike. Jensen argues that FDI does not simply go to countries with low taxes, but rather to countries with specific political institutions that provide credible commitments to secure investments. Beyond this contribution, he also explores more generally the impacts of democracy and international institutions on FDI."--James Raymond Vreeland, Yale University, author of The IMF and Economic Development
"Jensen systematically analyzes the relationship between foreign direct investment and political institutions, using statistical as well as interview evidence. The book's central argument is innovative: it is credibility, not taxation, that matters to multinational firms. Jensen's work should interest policy makers as well as scholars of economic globalization."--Layna Mosley, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"Nathan Jensen has written an interesting, empirically grounded, and provocative book.... It is a serious effort to think about and test the impact of political institutions on multinational firms and flows of foreign direct investment.... This is worthwhile reading for anyone interested in the political economy of FDI."--Stephen J. Kobrin, Perspectives on Politics
"[T]he book captures the impact of political institutions on multinational investments and contributes to international business, organizational economics, and institutional literature streams. To the global audience, nation-states keen on enticing foreign investors will benefit from Jensen's insight."--Amit Jain, Enterprise and Society
Preface xi
List of Abbreviations xv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Multinational Firms and Domestic Governments 23
Chapter 3: Theory 40
Chapter 4: The Race to the Bottom Thesis and FDI 53
Chapter 5: Democracy and FDI 72
Chapter 6: Veto Players and FDI 100
Chapter 7: The IMF and FDI Inflows 129
Chapter 8: Conclusion 146
Notes 157
References 167
Index 185