Mission Driven: Moving from Profit to Purpose will help the job seeker ? whether a student, a mid-career professional, or a retiring Baby Boomer ? take advantage of the many purpose-driven career opportunities burgeoning in the nonprofit sector. This book will answer the following questions and more: When is the right time to transition? Where do I even begin? Will my skills transfer to the nonprofit sector? The nonprofit sector is evolving, allowing for individuals to use their professional experience and personal passions in meaningful and impactful ways. No matter your industry, career aspirations, or years of experience, this book will help you find your unique place within the new nonprofit sector.
?The phenomenon of the baby boom generation turning 60 provides America with new assets in the form of unprecedented human capital. Laura Gassner Otting will help you catalyze a lifetime of experience and learning into a deeply meaningful second, third or fourth career.?
?Mission Driven is an essential guide for anyone seeking to redirect their talent and energy to build a better world.?
?I?ve learned that most social problems can be solved. The question is simply, will enough of our society?s most talented, committed individuals channel their energy in the direction of solving them? For the sake of our neediest communities and our society at large, I hope millions of people will find this book. Mission Driven is a wonderful resource for everyone from those just getting started in the nonprofit sector to those well along the path.?
?If you are looking for a more fulfilling career, Mission Driven is the book for you. Laura Gassner Otting combines a wonderfully comprehensive overview of the nonprofit sector with inspiring stories and a step-by-step toolkit that will make your new career a reality. This book covers it all in one very readable, insightful and enjoyable package. Go for it and good luck!?
?Mission Driven is a great book for any readers who want to combine their skills and their passions through work in the nonprofit sector.?