An up-to-date discussion of community and public health care in relation to midwifery practice, using real life scenarios in a range of hot topic areas.
Building Blocks for practice: understanding public health
1. The ?New? Public Health: political rhetoric or real opportunities?
2. Changing practice: developing a public health role for midwives
3. Expanding horizons: public health perspectives for practice
Developing ideas and opportunities: key themes and concepts
4. Tackling health inequalities: a midwifery challenge
5. Celebrating diversity: meeting needs
6. Community spirit: looking beyond the obvious
7. Being with women: public policy and private experience
The practice reality: public health midwifery
8. Laying the foundation: the STOMP study
9. Sex education and teenage pregnancy: missed opportunities?
10. Midwives playing their part: Sure Start
11. Postnatal care: meeting the public health challenge
Moving forward : future directions and developments
12. Next steps: public health in midwifery practice
On-line resources