Argumento de Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed
Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed is the only book that gives IT professionals, serious power users, and true geeks exactly what they need: powerhouse tweaks, hacks, techniques, and insights that can't be found anywhere else. Top Windows expert Paul McFedries - one of PTG's most respected authors - dives deep into Windows 7, returning with the most powerful ways to handle everything from networking to administration, security to scripting. McFedries begins with advanced customization -- covering everything from startup/shutdown to the file system. You will learn new ways to tune Windows 7 performance; police Windows via Group Policies; tweak the Registry; make the most of Windows 7's management tools; and control Windows 7 from the command line. Next, McFedries presents thorough coverage of securing Windows 7, including chapters on web and email security, and hardening networks. You will learn better ways to troubleshoot devices, networks, and startup; add Macs to Windows networks; and much more. The book concludes with three chapters of indispensable scripting techniques for automating Windows administration. Important note: Microsoft Windows 7 In Depth and Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed are radically different books, with differing markets. Microsoft Windows In Depth is for a broad spectrum of intermediate-level end users. Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed is for IT pros and power users; it focuses on advanced technical coverage of topics such as Registry hacks.0