The law of reincarnation can explain all situations of life, the good and, of course, the bad. Without reincarnation, we should accept that life is haphazard, groundless and without an ulterior motivation. For this reason, many of us argue that death does not exist as an end, but as a change to another dimension of life. Thanks to the free will, human being is architect of his destiny and decided, for better or for worse, each of his deeds.
Near-death experiences are, for now, the most overwhelming proof of the existence of life after death. Most of the testimonies agree that people, who were clinically declared dead, have traveled beyond, and visited a place of light where these felt a great joy and an indescribable happiness. Again implies a profound transformation where love is the main motor and the knowledge is the unique baggage that we carry after death.
What exists beyond life? Is the soul a tireless traveler? In Messages from Beyond the Tunnel, Vladimir Burdman , parapsychologist, states that to banish fear about death it is only possible through the knowledge and openness of human consciousness. "The truth", says Burdman, is not there to find it, but to find it forever.