"This book will have wide appeal not only among scholars who study the issues of civil war, its termination, and the role of the UN and the international community, but also among any students and policymakers who are interested in one of the most fundamental and pressing questions of our time: how to build peace in states that are trying to recover from devastating civil wars."--Lise Howard, Review of International Organizations
"A balanced assessment of the record of United Nations peace operations. It provides encouraging insights into the future role of the United Nations in helping countries make the transition from war to peace."--Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations
"This magisterial work is the single best study of United Nations peacekeeping available. It combines sophisticated quantitative analysis and intensive case studies in a way that is a model for future studies."--Roy Licklider, Rutgers University
"This book will certainly draw attention among scholars, because it advances both the statistical analysis of conflict and the empirical study of UN missions. It will appeal to audiences in both camps. Very engaging in style, covering a wide range of material, and exhibiting conceptual sophistication and originality, it provides a framework for a new generation of scholarly literature on civil wars and peace missions."--Ian Hurd, Northwestern University Chapter One: Introduction: War-Making, Peacebuilding, and the United Nations 1 Chapter Two: Theoretical Perspectives 27 Chapter Three: Testing Peacebuilding Strategies 69 Chapter Five: Making Peace: Successes 197 Chapter Six: Making Peace: Failures 257 Bibliography 353
List of Tables xi
List of Boxes xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Acronyms xvii
The New Interventionism 6
Generations of UN Peace Operations 10
The Challenge of Peacebuilding 18
Plan of the Book 23
Internal (Civil) War and Peacebuilding 28
Theories of Civil War 31
Implications of Civil War Theory for UN Intervention 49
A Peacebuilding Triangle 63
Triangulating Peace 69
The Peacebuilding Dataset 72
Analysis of Peacebuilding Success in the Short Run 86
Policy Hypotheses and Hypothesis Testing 93
Policy Analysis 125
Conclusion 131
Appendix A: Definitions and Coding Rules 132
Appendix B: Summary Statistics for Key Variables 138
Chapter Four: Making War 144
Somalia 145
The Former Yugoslavia 161
Congo 172
Clausewitz and Peacekeeping 184
Monitoring and Facilitation in El Salvador 200
Administratively Controlling (but Barely) Peace in Cambodia 209
Executive Implementation of Peace in Eastern Slavonia 223
Dayton's Dueling Missions and Brcko--Dayton's Supervisory Footnote 230
East Timor 243
Cyprus 257
Rwanda 281
Chapter Seven: Transitional Strategies 303
The Four Strategies 304
Transitional Authority 319
Chapter Eight: Conclusions 334
The Peacebuilding Record 334
A Seven-Step Plan 337
The Costs of Staying--and Not Staying--the Course 342
Alternatives? 346
Index 381