"The best book I have read on benchmarking. A penetrating account of why firms benchmark, how they construct reference groups, and how they learn and unlearn from examples."--Hayagreeva Rao, Stanford University Graduate School of Business and author of Market Rebels
"Learning by Example provides a nuanced view of the individual, social, organizational, and institutional roots of innovation diffusion and organizational change. This book will have impact. It belongs on the scholar's desk as well in the practitioner's office."--Michael Tushman, Harvard Business School
"There is now a huge literature on the spread of management techniques across organizations. However, there is an extreme paucity of work that examines exactly what happens in firms when they adopt such innovations. Qualitative in its approach, this important and original book breathes fresh air in an area that is often too dominated by quantitative studies of the phenomenon."--Eric Abrahamson, Columbia University
"Learning by Example tells the fascinating story of the benchmarking initiative at one of the world's largest banks. The author's access to bank employees and bank records is unparalleled. Based on rigorous research, the book shows that status and the experiences of current workers in other firms shape what programs get copied. This study will revolutionize thinking about organizational learning and innovation."--Frank Dobbin, Harvard University
"Learning by Example is a thoughtful contribution that will enrich the dialogue among sociologists and organization theorists and point to new research questions."--Rosabeth Moss Kanter, American Journal of Sociology Section One: Setting the Scene: Benchmarking and a Bank 25 Section Two: The Process of Benchmarking: How and Who? 79 Section Three: The Results of Benchmarking: Proposals and Programs 171 Bibliography 265
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Benchmarking as a Management Technique 27
Chapter 2: Global Financial and Team Challenge 55
Chapter 3: Practical Reasoning and the Case for Change 81
Chapter 4: The Construction of a Reference Group 109
Chapter 5: Interorganizational Influence 142
Chapter 6: Common Moves in Organizational Reform 173
Chapter 7: Personal and Programmatic Impact 194
Chapter 8: Global Financial's Corporate Quality Initiative 215
Chapter 9: Some Lessons from the Search for Best Practice 247
Index 281