Argumento de Leadership and Nursing Care Management - E-book (ebook)
Comprehensive and easy to read, this authoritative resource features the most up-to-date, research-based blend of practice and theory related to the issues that impact nursing management and leadership today. Key topics include the nursing professional?s role in law and ethics, staffing and scheduling, delegation, cultural considerations, care management, human resources, outcomes management, safe work environments, preventing employee injury, and time and stress management.
- Research Notes in each chapter summarize relevant nursing leadership and management studies and show how research findings can be applied in practice.
- Leadership and Management Behavior boxes in each chapter highlight the performance and conduct expected of nurse leaders, managers, and executives.
- Leading and Managing Defined boxes in each chapter list key terminology related to leadership and management, and their definitions.
- Case Studies at the end of each chapter present real-world leadership and management situations and illustrate how key chapter concepts can be applied to actual practice.
- Critical Thinking Questions at the end of each chapter present clinical situations followed by critical thinking questions that allow you to reflect on chapter content, critically analyze the information, and apply it to the situation.
- A new Patient Acuity chapter uses evidence-based tools to discuss how patient acuity measurement can be done in ways that are specific to nursing.
- A reader-friendly format breaks key content into easy-to-scan bulleted lists.
- Chapters are divided according to the AONE competencies for nurse leaders, managers, and executives.
- Practical Tips boxes highlight useful strategies for applying leadership and management skills to practice.
0Part I: Leadership- Leadership Principles
- Management Principles
- Change and Innovation
- Organizational Climate and Culture
Part II: Professionalism
- Critical Thinking and Decision Making Skills
- Managing Time and Stress
- Legal and Ethical Issues
Part III: Communication and Relationship Building
- Communication, Persuasion and Negotiation
- Motivation
- Team Building and Working with Effective Groups
- Delegation
- Power and Conflict
- Workplace Diversity
Part IV: Knowledge of the Health Care Environment
- The Health Care System
- Health Policy, Health, and Nursing
- Evidence-Based Practice: Strategies for Nursing Leaders
- Mission Statements, Policies and Procedures
- Organizational Structure
- Decentralization and Shared Governance
- Models of Care Delivery
- Case Management
- Population Health Management
- Patient Acuity NEW!
- Quality Improvement and Health Care Safety
- Measuring and Managing Outcomes
Part V: Business Skills
- Confronting the Nursing Shortage
- Staff Recruitment and Retention
- Staffing and Scheduling
- Collective Bargaining
- Financial Management
- Budgeting
- Productivity and Costing Out Nursing
- Performance Appraisal
- Prevention of Workplace Violence
- All Hazards Disaster Preparedness
- Data Management and Informatics
- Strategic Management Marketing