We present the frst case of ocular futter related with amphetamine intoxication and discuss the physiopathology of this interesting syndrome and the biochemical diferences between OF and OC. A-15-years-old Caucasian male with not previous medical history experienced a rapid onset of dizziness. On neurological admission the patient was nervous, there were no cognitive defcit. Clinical eye movements examination revealed frequent horizon- tal and symmetric involuntary burst of large to-and fro. There was a bilateral pupil mydriasis but no motor or sensory defcit, no tremor and no limb ataxia and deep tendon refexes were all presents. Blood pressure was 145/90 mm Hg and pulse 105 beats/min CT performed on admission was normal. CSF contained 0 lymphocytes/ mm3, 45 mg/dl and normal glucose levels. Urine drugs analysis was positive for am- phetamine. All symptoms progressively resolved within 6 hours. An MRI performed was normal. On follow up the patient remained asymptomatic six months later.