Argumento de Isla de Martha"s Vineyard y Otros Lugares, la
My first sketch book is dated in the years while I was studying in the Bradford School of Art. [...] After that, I had a box manufactured by Asprey, where I stored paper and colour pencils.They were unbound papers and, of course, there were drawings among them. [...] In August, 1982, I was in Marthas Vineyard island and I used them as well.The sketch book Im presenting now is chronologically situated between the Polaroid photos and the photo collages that I began in September, 1982.When I started up with the photo collages, I left my drawing and, when I left my photo collages, I went back to drawing again.
The text contained in this bookbrewed from long conversations with Nikos Stangosmainly shows David Hockneys ideas on the function and significance of this sketch book as container for the essence of painting.0