Argumento de International Education and Cultural-linguistic Experiences of International Students In Australia (ebook)
The internationalisation of higher education in the 20th century, built on an unprecedented expansion of transport and communication networks and the scope of international scholarly activities, triggered a massive flow of people across countries and continents. Geographically remote countries, such as Australia, became more attractive and accessible to migrants from Europe. Today, international education in Australia is under enormous pressure to reinvent itself. This book offers a collection of chapters that cover various dimensions of international education in Australia. The issues covered span from political and student identity concerns to the pedagogical and curriculum dimensions of international education and to the areas of language acquisition and language assessment. Each chapter formulates implications for the education of international students as Australia enters a new phase of hyperglobalism and completion with the rise of global cities and educational hubs that they provide beyond the traditional Western providers of higher education. Coming from diverse backgrounds and regionst, he authors offer insights into significant developments in international education as they address crucial questions faced by educators in Australia and compare them with North America and Europe in comprehensive and critical ways. This includes shifts in methodological approaches in education and policy research, as well as other issues arising from comparative research, such as improving educational quality and responsiveness of education to the needs of international students. Several chapters address more specific problems of providing equality, access, and equity for all students, narrowing the achievement gap, and the ways of offering education that is free from prejudice and discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, social class and religion.0Acknowledgments Contributors Introduction Chapter 1 An Everyday Life Perspective on the Institutional and Cultural Identities of Chinese Students in Australia by Ai Bin and Alex Kostogriz Chapter 2 Cultural Translations: The Art of Cosmopolitan Learning as an International Student by Carol Reid, Hussain Alsaiari and Ila Rosmilawati Chapter 3 How International Students? Attitudes and Orientations Towards Cultural Differences and Multiculturalism Affect Their Engagement With Learning by Edilson Arenas Chapter 4 International Graduates? Endeavours for Work in Australia: The Experience of International Graduates of Accounting Transitioning Into the Australian Labour Market by Ruth Arber and Mark Rahimi Chapter 5 The ?English Language Question? in Higher Education: Some Reflections on Issues and Strategy by Neil Murray Chapter 6 International Students and the ?English Problem? In Australian Universities: A Discursive Perspective by Michael Haugh Chapter 7 Towards a Pedagogy of Experiential Thirding in Language Education by Alistair Welsh and Alex Kostogriz Chapter 8 Arabic Language Interferences in ESL Amongst International Students in Australian Language Centers by Abe Ata Chapter 9 Reconceptualising the Academic Writing Difficulties of International Students by Linda Y. Li & Yanyin Zhang Chapter 10 Exploring the Consequences of IELTS Through International Students? Personal and Academic Experiences: A Qualitative Analysis by Catherine Montes and Megan Yucel Chapter 11 Steps to Assuring EAL International Students? ELP at Exit: It?s Not Rocket Science by Sopie Arkoudis and Lachlan Doughney Chapter 12 ?But isn?t IELTS the most trustworthy??: English Language Assessment for Entry Into Higher Education by Kieran O?Loughlin Chapter 13 An Investigation Into the Knowledge, Education and Attitudes of Chinese, Arab (Gulf Region) and Indian Candidates to IELTS: The Case of Australia by Abe Ata Chapter 14 The Influence of Race, Ethnicity and Gender on Education Policy Reforms by Joseph Zajda Index